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License Prep Courses

P2 Prep Class

Saturday, June 7, 2025
8:00 am4:00 pm
CEC, 35A Robert Jackson Way, Plainville, CT 06062

This 8-Hour prep course to help apprentices prepare for the Connecticut License exam and will:

Review test taking procedures
Review all reference materials indicated in the PSI Information Bulletin
Review key definitions outlined in the International Plumbing Code and other code books
The following materials are required for the course. Attendees without all of the materials the day of class will be rescheduled for another date. Individuals registering for the course can purchase required materials through various book sellers.

2012 or 2015 International Plumbing Code or International Plumbing Code and Commentary
OSHA Standards 29 CFR Part 1926
2012 NFPA 54 Fuel Gas Code
2014 NFPA 58 Liquified Petroleum Gas Code
Water Processing: Residential, Commercial, Light Industrial 3rd Edition, 2000
NFPA 56: Standard for Fire and Explosion Prevention During Cleaning and Purging of Flammable Gas Piping Systems Current Edition.

The following books are recommended for study but not allowed in the testing center:
Mathematics for Plumbers and Pipefitters, Lee Smith, 8th Edition, 2013
Plumbing Design and Installation, L.V. Ripka / ATP Publication

Refund Policy:
CEC employs a No Refund Policy. If enrolled participants must cancel a class, CEC will reschedule them for a class at a later date subject to availability. A $25.00 rescheduling fee will be applied if individuals do not contact our office within a week of class date if they are unable to attend.

Cancellation Policy:
CEC reserves the right to cancel any course or class due to circumstances beyond our control such as insufficient enrollment registration up to one week prior to class date or inclement weather. Alternative class dates will be offered to those enrolled.
In these instances, all tuition will be refunded, or class rescheduled to a later date. Classes cancelled due to inclement weather will be broadcast using the WFSB (channel 3)-Early Warning Network and NEWS 8 (WTNH) Storm Closings. They will also be posted on, and our website,

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